GrantecEngineering Consultants Inc.

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Nova Scotia, Canada

News: SNS Sequoia Detector Vessel Article Featured in The Engineer

February 19, 2009

QUICK LINK TO Engineers Nova Scota Website: Engineers Nova Scotia

The Spring 2009 edition of "The Engineer" includes a feature article on the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) Sequoia Detector Vessel authored by Richard Grant of Grantec. The Sequoia Detector Vessel is considered to be one of the largest vacuum chambers in North America and is the largest vacuum chamber at any neutron scattering facility in the world. Grantec was pleased to have performed the mechanical and structural design for the Sequoia Detector Vessel and the associated Sample Vessel for the SNS project in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

Grantec's Richard Grant would like to take this opportunity to thank David H. Vandergriff, Garrett Granroth and Charlie Horak of Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) for their contributions to this article. Richard would also like to thank Dermot Mulrooney and Christine Larocque at Engineers Nova Scotia (APENS) for their attention to this article.

The Engineer is published quarterly by Engineers Nova Scotia (The Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia).

The Engineer Grantec

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